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Japan: Memoirs of a Secret Empire. Samurai, PBS. Hot method Samurai: Way of the warriors. Ap World History Flashcards, Quizlet. Hot method samurai: way of the warrior 2. Bushido, ‘the way of the warrior, is the code that samurai were expected to live by. Loyalty and honour were most cherished, followed by martial bravery – a freedom from fear. Training for a boy of the samurai class began early and at 10 he would learn fencing, archery, riding, as well as calligraphy, ethics, literature, and history.

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The Way of the Modern Warrior is an explanation of the samurai philosophy of Japan's fiercest warriors, practiced for over 1000 years. The author, Hanshi Stephen Kaufman, has been a warrior for 50 years, first as a member of the military, then as an advisor to the military, and finally as one of the world's most distinguished martial artists.

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